Our Practice
Exclusively Dedicated to the Special Education Rights of Students
Our legal practice is dedicated to advocating for the rights and entitlements of students who are covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in Massachusetts. This crucial piece of legislation mandates that public schools must provide qualifying students with disabilities a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), which is delivered through the establishment of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is a comprehensive plan that must effectively address the student's distinct and unique needs, and it should be reasonably calculated to furnish meaningful educational benefit. Throughout this entire process, it is essential for parents to understand that they have the right to be actively involved and participate in their child's educational journey. Should parents come to the conclusion that their child is being unjustly denied a FAPE, they are entitled to challenge the school's decision through a due process hearing.
Special education law is comprised of federal and state statutes, regulations, and case law.
The most important statute is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Other relevant federal statutes include Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In Massachusetts, Chapter 71B of the General Laws governs.
Federal and state educational agencies publish their interpretations of the statutes in regulations.
Case Law
Case law is created when state and federal judges interpret statutes and apply them to individual controversies creating precedent. -
Case Assessment
Initial Consultation, Document Review, Legal Analysis
Ongoing Support
IEP Responses, Evaluations, Communication
Dispute Resolution
IEP Meetings, Mediation, BSEA Hearings
Question: Why is the firm named Noble Education Law?
Answer: Founding Attorney Lillian Wong named the firm after her late grandmother Patricia, whose first name means “noble” and who encouraged and financed Attorney Wong’s education. Noble also reflects our commitment to high ethical and professional standards in everything we do.
Question: Do you work with advocates?
Answer: Yes! We often receive referrals from advocates. We defer to families and advocates about their level of involvement in the legal process.
Question: Do you offer one-time consultations?
Answer: Yes! We offer a range of representation options including one-time consultations, limited scope agreements, and long term representation.
Client Testimonials